企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 浙江 杭州 |
联系卖家: | 董 女士 |
手机号码: | 18058404985 |
公司官网: | hzdongji666.tz1288.c.. |
公司地址: | 杭州市余杭区临平街道陈家木桥工业园一号路6号1幢四楼4-2 |
1.3 技术性能及指标Technical performance and index
1.3.1 技术参数 Technical parameter1.3.1.1 工作电源 Working power supply
a)直流电源 DC220V
b)交流电源 AC220V,频率50Hz
a) DC power supply DC220V
b) AC power supply AC220V, frequency 50Hz
The working power supply and operating power supply of this device are standard DC/AC220V, and other special requirements should be indicated when ordering. 额定交流参数Rated AC parameter
b) 线路抽取电压 380/
c) 交流电流 5A(标配)或1A (订货注明)
d) 额定频率 50Hz
a) Phase voltage 380/
b) Line extraction voltage 380/
c) AC current 5A (standard) or 1A (note on order)
d) Rated frequency 50Hz 功率消耗Power
a) 直流回路 正常工作时不大于20W
动作时 不大于30W
b) 交流电压回路 每相不大于0.5VA
c) 交流电流回路 额定电流为5A 时每相不大于1VA
额定电流为1A 时每相不大于0.5VA
a) Dc circuit No more than 20W in normal operation
Do not exceed 30W
b) Ac voltage circuit Not greater than 0.5VA per phase
c) Ac current circuit No more than 1VA per phase when the rated current is 5A
No more than 0.5VA per phase when the rated current is 1A 状态量电平Status quantity level
CPU 模件的输入状态量电 无源输入(标配)或DC220V/DC110V(订货注明)
Input status of CPU module quantity electrical passive input (standard) or DC220V/DC110V